Friday, February 16, 2007

“Stay hungry, stay foolish”

I interviewed with two companies in the past week. One was an internet content company I very much want to work for. The other was a construction equipment rental company I am not particularly interested in. Both companies emailed me yesterday afternoon informing me that they have decided to continue their search with other applicants.


Just as I was not particularly disappointed at being rejected by the construction equipment rental company, I was not particularly surprised that I did not make it to the next round with the internet content company. From the conversations I have had with first years who interviewed with it for an internship, I got the impression it has extremely high expectations for its employees. One student told me “when asked a normal question, do not give a normal answer.” And the company can afford to be picky because of the enormous amount of job seekers it attracts. I guess everyone wants to work for you when you’re Fortune Magazine’s number one best company to work for (hint).


So the question now is, what next. I have been steadily sending my resume to companies I am interested in. My experience this past week has only strengthened my conviction that I do not want to work for a company that is outside of the technology industry. Nothing illustrated this more vividly than the way I reacted to my two interviews. I spent hours preparing for my interview with Fortune Magazine’s number one best company to work for and spent the moments right before my interview with the construction equipment rental company sitting in the Kenan-Flagler waiting room almost wishing I had not signed up for it.


Right before I got the rejection emails yesterday, I was in strategic innovation class and the professor showed the video of Steve Jobs speaking at the 2005 Stanford University commencement. He talked about the importance of doing work that you love.


(Start watching at around the nine minute mark)


The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking and don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you will know when you find it.


Later today, I will be keeping those words in mind as I drive up to Durham for the Carolina MBA Connection job fair.

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