Monday, February 19, 2007

Less than 90 days

I looked at the calendar over the weekend and noticed that I am less than three months away from graduation. That’s quite a compelling piece of information. It means I have less than 90 days to learn about interesting topics that will (hopefully) be of use to me down the line, less than 13 weeks to randomly make friends with students from other programs, and less than three months to enjoy the fine atmosphere at UNC. 


During lunch today, we had a guest speaker for the pricing class. I ran into a classmate of mine and we decided to go to lunch on Franklin Street. I figured I can catch up on what I missed in class on Wednesday. Besides, the last time we had a guest speaker in pricing class was two weeks ago when someone from a major consulting firm came to speak about pricing issues and I cannot for the life of me remember anything he talked about.

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