Saturday, October 1, 2005

Bill Clinton to speak at 2007 graduation?

Now that Erskine Bowles has been selected as the next President of the UNC system, I am going to go out on a limb and predict that the 42 President of the United States will be our commencement speaker for 2007.

Here's how I analayze the situation. The last time we had a big name graduation speaker at UNC was Bill Cosby at 2004. I don't remember who spoke this past May. They just announced the speaker for this coming May's graduation and I was completely underwhelmed by the selection. Now that Clinton's former deputy chief of staff is the top dog at UNC, I am sure his name will be tossed around by the committee that selects the 2007 graduation speaker.

I think having Clinton speak at my graduation would be mostly a good thing. I can tell my kids he spoke at my graduation. As long as they put someone in charge of keeping him to a time limit, I think we will be okay.


Anonymous said...

Not that you care, but MD homcoming (football):
MD 45, UVA 33 giving UVA their first loss..
Now when does MD play UNC...

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact, I DO care. I was going to blog last Saturday that it was a very good Saturday because:
1. Virginia won.
2. Carolina won (in an upset against NC State, AT NC State).
3. Duke lost.

Then yesterday we almost had a repeat when Carolina beat Utah (at home, again in an upset), Duke lost to Navy (at home), but unfortunately the Cavaliers got slaughtered at College Park. I had expected the Cavaliers to lose but when I read about how they were ahead until the last quarter, it just made me mad.

More on the humiliation at College Park below:

Anonymous said...

Actually the game kinda went back and forth, they did happen to be leading at the start of the last quarter, but the lead changed hands a few times.