Thursday, October 27, 2005

Dressing appropriately for the occasion

One thing you learn in business school is the importance of presentation, and often this means wearing the right gear for the event you plan on attending. Currently, I am having trouble figuring out what to dress up as for the MBA Halloween party tomorrow night. Making matters more complicated, I will be going striaght there from an Intervarsity meeting where the guest speaker will be the most popular professor at UVA. I can just imagine Ken Elzinga asking me "what are you up to here at Chapel Hill" as I am standing there in front of him in my clown suit holding a batch of balloons and a clown noisemaker.

This morning I put on a costume of a different sort. I dressed up for a lunchtime workshop put up by a big name consulting firm that had a recruiting presentation last night. Not having time to iron my semi-wrinkled shirt, I put on a blazer to cover up some of the imperfections. Unfortunately all this work was in vain for the recruiters from the firm did not show and had not bothered to inform the Office of Careers Services ahead of time.

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