Thursday, October 13, 2005

"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me"

Yesterday was the last exam for Mod I and last night we all ("we all" defined as everyone still in town) met up at the Martini Bar. After chucking down three or four glasses of Diamond and Dole (or at least that was what I thought the name of it was) and one vodka martini (in honor of the new James Bond), the party really started to get happening.

I came up with this funny line that I kept recyling the entire night, much like a politician giving the same stump speech at different rallies to different audiences. I told people that when I drink, not only do I turn red but my face also becomes numb. So if I were drunk enough to say something crude to a woman and she were to slap me, I wouldn't feel a thing.

At midnight, the parade of drunks ..... I mean students .... then flooded down the street to Lucy's where we spend the next two hours on the dance floor. Yes, by "we" I mean myself included. All types of students that, even the ones that you would never expect to hit the dance floor in a million years, were dancing the night away.

Can't wait for Mod II.

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