Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Shocked and awed

If there was any reservation in my mind that a portion of my classmates was still unaware of the existence of this blog, such lingering doubts were put to rest this past Wednesday at 8:10am. That was when I was outed by my accounting professor.


My accounting professor normally begins class every day with a shtick of some sort. It could be a funny anecdote or a video clip from the Internets. He began on Wednesday by talking about an email exchange he had three weeks ago with someone he initially thought was a student. This person wrote him an email about an Australian ad that was shown in class, called "Big Ad." The email included a link to a parody called "Small Ad" and a request for my professor to show it to the class. My professor played "Small Ad" for us the following week and wrote back to the sender (paraphrasing) "I hope you were in class today, I showed 'Small Ad.'" The sender wrote back (again, paraphrasing) "I am not in your class, I live in Australia."  The professor then inquired as to how he knew about what was going on in his class from halfway around the world. The sender then replied that he had done a search on the Internets for "Big Ad" and came across a blog entry about the accounting class.


At this point my professor clicked on the projection screen and my blog entry from August 29 was displayed on the screen for the entire class. After getting over the immediate shock of what had and what was about to occur, I quickly regained my composureand put on my best poker face. My professor read out loud the blog entry and clicked on the entry's link linking to his home page on the faculty directory. He said "I figure this student will be inthis room sometime during the day and he will be shocked to see this blog on the screen."


We then proceeded to talk about the AOL acquisition of Time Warner. After class ended, I sheepishly walked up to him and turned myself in. He asked if I was shocked and said the email exchange was one of the strangest thing that's ever happened to him.


Sir, seeing my blog discussed in class was one of the strangest thing that's ever happened to me too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are officially famous!