Saturday, October 8, 2005

How not to be Google- or Friendster- stalked

The author of this article was on the radio this morning talking about "UnGoogleables," folks who want to keep their names from appearing on a Google search. What I don't understand is that even if you are able to get the owner of a web site or a blog to remove your name, it will still show up on cached portion of a Google search.

In other news on web-privacy, Friendster has rolled out a new feature allowing users to find out if other users have looked at their profiles. Some of you folks who log onto Friendster just to gawk at other people's profiles may want to be careful.

When I launched this blog in June, a friend expressed surprise that I would share such a large part of my life on the Internets. My reply is that I am sharing this information only with folks who know my true identity. This includes the friends that I have "allowed" onto the blog, my former co-workers, and my Kenan-Flagler classmates (and professsors) who know who I am. Other than people that know me in real life, I go to great deals to prevent the average Internet lurker from finding out my identity.

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