Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hump day

Centuries ago the Chinese used to believe that solar eclipses were caused by a celestial hound having swallowed the sun, hence blocking the sunlight from reaching the ground. They would react to a solar eclipse by banging on drums, yelling at the sky, and doing other things to scare the hound until he eventually decides to return the sun by spitting it back out.


I have noticed that since the fall break, the amount of sunlight I see each day has been getting progressive less and less. But unfortunately there is no celestial hound that I can blame my dilemma onto and yelling at the sky in the middle of the day will only result in unneeded attention from the University’s Department of Public Safety.


Between 9:15 this morning when I walked into McColl and 4:30 this afternoon when I left, my day was jam packed with going to class, rummaging through my locker, returning phone calls, going to the Dean Dome (80 yards away) to get my name on the raffle for basketball tickets, attending a company presentation, and meeting with classmates about possibly entering a case competition.


Lunch was eaten during the first five minutes of strategery, flushed down very quickly with two cans of Coke.


I never did get the chance today to speak to my professor about the spelling error on his syllabus but I did have the opportunity to harass one of my second year TAs. We arrived in school the same time this morning and as we walked across the bridge that connected the parking garage to McColl, I jokingly told her she was a world renown expert in the subject she’s teaching us about. She confessed that she was still in the process of reviewing her notes from last year and I told her I’d stop by during office hours next week to give her a pop quiz.


She laughed.


Anonymous said...

How much soda are u drinking these days

Anonymous said...

My addiction to Coca Colas has not abated and it has not gone unnoticed by my classmates.