Friday, October 14, 2005

"That's racist! "

I'd like to thank a particular Terrapin MBA and former AOL intern for pointing this Washington Post article to my attention. I first came across this web site about two years ago, it documents many of the things we see in the media and attitudes in our culture today that don't necessarily portray Asian folks in the most positive light. Some of the stuff he points out is pretty funny , others are indeed racist, while a couple are a bit of an over-reaction on his part.

"The site doesn't boast big numbers -- about 60,000 hits a month, Yu says -- but since launching in February 2001, it's become a daily must-read for the media-savvy, socially conscious, pop-cultured Asian American. It's part Gawker ("Check out this Bud Light commercial. Just another Asian karate dude . . . getting his [butt] kicked . . . By an old lady . . . That's racist! "); part Drudge Report ("New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson acknowledges in his new autobiography that Wen Ho Lee was 'mistreated' "); part Ain't It Cool News ("The new TV drama, 'Inconceivable,' starring Ming Na, premiered last night on NBC . . . Hopefully, they'll give her more to do than they did on 'ER.' "). But it's also altogether original."

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