Friday, August 12, 2005

Darden makes it official

Late this afternoon the status of my Darden application was changed from "middle tier of wait list" to "not offered from wait list." If our beloved professor who taught the finance workshop were here, he would point out that under the efficient market theory, this development represents no new information since I have known since late June that it is highly unlikely that I would be spending the next two years in Charlottesville. But it still takes a while for the reality and feeling of closure to finally sink in.


Anonymous said...

Congrats.  You suck!!  I made it into Darden and chose UNC to avoid people like you.  Go home.

Anonymous said...

Congrats.  You suck!!  I made it into Darden and chose UNC to avoid people like you.  Go home.

Anonymous said...

Pipe down and get the F out if you don't like where you are!