Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The server in the restaurant

One of the objectives of earning an MBA, especially for career switchers like myself, is to research different careers in various industries and learn about their career paths.  I had such an experience one night a weeks ago right when I went to dinner at Outback.

I was sitting at a bar chewing on an Outback Special and chatting with a random couple sitting to my left. The conversation died down as the couple prepared to pay their bill. I then heard a phone ring and the man sitting to my right stopped chewing to answer his cell phone. He listened for five seconds and barked "I am 15 minutes out, don't do anything, if he moves follow him."  He then asked to close his tab and three minutes later the phone rang again. He listened and this time he said, "you can't do anything until I get there because you don't have the summons with you." 

It was then that I realized he is a process server charged with officially notifying a defendant with a legal summons. This is a profession that I have always known existed but until then, my knowldge of the industry was limited to what I have seen in the movies. I wanted to chat with him a bit but unfortunately he took off shortly after that second phone call.

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