Friday, August 26, 2005

Everything finally beginning to "make sense," sort of

Something happened this past weekend that gave me closure on something that's been on my mind for quite a while. As many of my readers (and some of my classmates who read this blog) are aware, I spent a good deal of the summer struggling with the fact that I was wait listed by Darden before eventually accepting the reality that I was going to be spending my next two years at Kenan-Flagler.

On Saturday, as I recovered from the first week of classes, I was able to finally put my finger on something. For the first time I was able to verbalize what it was about attending Kenan-Flagler that made me uncomfortable. I felt it did not "make sense" for me to attend Kenan-Flagler. Let me expound on what I mean by this. I have classmates that intend to concentrate on areas such as sustainability and entrepreneurship, areas that Kenan-Flagler has excellent resources for. It totally "makes sense" for them to be here. Similarly, there are other students that have family or connections in the Chapel Hill area and it completely "makes sense" for them to choose Kenan-Flagler. For me, I was unable to come up with a clear reason to be here other than that Kenan-Flagler is a better business school than Yale SOM and that I am much better off earning my MBA for the next two years as opposed to staying at AOL and taking the risk of getting laid off. I use the words "make sense" in quotes because, for whatever reason, these two words clearly stuck out in my mind that afternoon as I contemplated the results of my school application process.

The next day I was in church listening to the pastor talk about following Christ. As he does every Sunday, he places certain key points on a projection screen. The first bullet point was:

                           Following Jesus involves doing things that do not make sense.

While I do believe in coincidences, I don't believe it's a coincidence that the words "make sense" were on my mind on Saturday and that on Sunday the pastor used those exact same words on the Power Point slide. I guess now that God has given me the confirmation he intends for me to be here, I need to stop thinking about Darden, about what could have been, and make the most of my 21 months at Kenan-Flagler.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you have closure now. Good luck over the next 2 years

Anonymous said...

I agree you need to make the most of your time, and I am sure you will.  Just a couple of responses to stuff you mention here...#1) don't you spend enough time in school dealing with Powerpoint?  It rots your brain.  I would try to find a church that uses more arcane methods of disseminating messages.  #2) It probably was a coincidence...