Friday, August 5, 2005

"Just who do I look like to you?"

I consider myself fortunate that I do not belong a racial or religious group that has to worry about racial profiling at department stores or airports. Yet I had a very unpleasant experience at lunch today that made me sympathize with these groups.

Earlier today I did what I have done every Friday since the pre-MBA workshops began, I went to Panera on Franklin Street to get some Boston clam chowder. The cashier took my order, asked me for my name, then looked at me inquisitively and said "you don't like a (my first name)."

Can you imagine if this guy were to get a job as a security screener for the Transportation Security Administration and say to someone "you don't look like a Rodriquez?" Or if he were to say "you don't look like someone who is coming to America in need of a heart transplant?" Maybe I should sue Panera for "facial profiling."

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