Saturday, August 6, 2005

Week in review

Some of you have been curious as to why I have not blogged for a good part of the week. The short answer is that I have been extremely busy. I met with my realtor on Monday to put my apartment on sale, had my happy hour on Tuesday, did some last minute packing on Wednesday, and the folks at Signature Movers came on Thursday to move my stuff to Chapel Hill.

It's been a pretty stressful week. I was overwhelmed with the amount of packing that had to be done. I spent most of the week getting very little sleep, and eating very little because of the "butterflies feeling" I had in my stomach.

But fortunately, everything worked out as well as can be expected. The paperwork was filed for the apartment sale, the movers came and moved everything to my new apartment. Now all that remains to be done is to remove everything from the boxes and find a place to store the empty boxes.

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