Monday, August 15, 2005

Last weekend of freedom

Classes for Mod I (a module is one half a semester) began today and last until mid-October when we have an entire week off for fall break. I tried to make the most of my last weekend before classes.  I was at Harris Teeter on Saturday and spotted a classmate in the pharmacy section. He was trying out one of those self-served blood pressure machines. I jokingly suggested that he should return in five weeks and compare his stats today against those in five weeks.

The classes I had today went very well. I have accounting, statistics, and economics on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The three professors explained their expectations from us and handed out a course schedule/syllabus. Each class has an optionaly weekly review session where the professor or a teaching assistant is available to answer questions. I have a feeling I will be attending quite a few of these sessions.


Anonymous said...

really, you seem to have quite a flair for the dramatic.  pipe down and try not to nodd off and drool on yourself.

didn't you get your b.s. in econ anyways?

Anonymous said...

Yes I majored in econ in college. However, every first year is required to take the five core courses. The only possible exemption is in financial accounting and it is only avail. to certified-CPAs.