Monday, August 8, 2005

Many thanks Peter

I was saddened this morning when I heard that Peter Jennings has died. I used to watch him when I was young. I remember watching him anchor ABC World News Tonight in 1989 from the site of the President's Education Summit where he stood in front of a statue of Thomas Jefferson. It wasn't until five years later at the University of Virginia that I realized that he was reporting 200 feet in front of the Rotunda from my future alma mater.

There was an article during the first Gulf War about Jennings' qualifications in covering the Middle East due to the connections he made in the time he spent there. Ironically these connections were also what drew fire from critics who complaint about his lack of objectivity in covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He was often refered to as "Palestinian Pete" by some on talk radio.

Even though he did not become an American until 2003, he has better understanding of America than many Americans. In 2002, he and his colleague Todd Brewster produced a reference book called In Search of America. I have a copy and look at it from time to time to remind me of what a truly unique country we have.

Very much like the late actor John Ritter, Peter Jennings has always been someone you can rely on to be on TV in one form or another. Although I have stopped watching him years ago, I will certain miss knowing that I can watch him whenever I want.

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