Friday, August 5, 2005

Welcome Kenan-Flagler readers

Greetings from Alta Springs. I want to thank Tom Beamon for taking the time out to address the concerns he has over my blog. I began this blog to tell my story about my transition into business school. Part of this story involves anxiety about returning to school after seven years of working, worrying about whether I would fit it, not sure about moving to an area where I don't know anyone, and struggles with my religious faith. Unfortunately part of the story involves me going to a school that is not my first choice and my first choice has refused to close the door completely by continuing to have me on its wait list.  

At every school you have a mix of students who are there because they were lucky enough to get into their dream school and others who enroll because they did not get in elsewhere. Kenan-Flagler is no different. I am not bashing Kenan-Flagler by telling my readers it is not my first choice, just as I am not bashing UVA by telling people there were three other schools I rather would have gone to for my undergraduate experience. During my Kenan-Flagler admissions interview, I was asked to name my three unique qualities. I listed one of them as my unwaivering commitment to contributing to my community. I told the story of my experience at UVA, even though it was not my first choice, I did all I could during my four years to contribute academically and extracurricularly to the school. Today, I continue to contribute to the UVA community by participaing in alumni events. There is no doubt I will do the same for Kenan-Flagler.  

Earlier this week, I had the chance to re-read everything I have written on this blog. I read something that bothers me. I had complaint about Carolinian residents paying one-half the amount I pay for the same education. While I still believe it is a legitimate gripe, I regret coming across as more angry than I meant to. I want to make clear that there is no animosity in my heart toward students who are paying less than I am either because they have a fellowship or are Carolinian residents.  

I look foward to continuing to share with my readers my positive experiences at Kenan-Flagler and any other unexpected encounters, unique observations I have along the way.

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