Saturday, August 6, 2005

Hooking up with Time Warner Cable

Even as I speak, the cable guy is here hooking up my 24 inch Wega to the Time Warner Cable system. My apartment comes with a counter-bottom GE Spacemaker TV set in the kitchen, so I will have two TV's.

It's going to require a bit of adjusting since I am used to having digital cable at my old place and at my new place I am only subscribing to the "basic package" which gives me only the broadcast channels for $15 a month. I overheard a second year student tell a first year student that "TV's the first to go once the work begins during the school year."


Anonymous said...

No more "Curb Your Enthusiasm" for you.

Anonymous said...

What I will miss the most is Dallas. But I figured since I am in a FT MBA program, the best opportunity to learn about business would be via the MBA program instead of J.R. Ewing!