Saturday, July 30, 2005

In search of Carolina pride

I figure since I am going to be here for two years, I might as well stock up on my UNC gear. I checked out the different stores along Franklin Street yesterday, a couple of them featured a particular T-shirt with a catch phrase that I didn't quite get .

Apparently In Saint Louis - They don't accept American Express

(This is the part where Real McCoy jumps in with an explanation. I am guessing Saint Louis was where Duke lost their shot at the championship.)


Anonymous said...

St Louis is where YOUR school won the 2005 National Championship. The shirt makes fun of Coach K ads for American Express (which are run all the damn time during other sporting events ) where he states that life isnt about the game, its about the relationships or some stupid shit like that.  Actually, heres a description of it (that i ofcourse googled)


The ad depicts Krzyzewski walking down a hallway and onto the court at Cameron Indoor Stadium while talking about the virtues of the Duke program.

"I am a leader who happens to coach basketball," Krzyzewski says in the spot. "When they get out into the workplace, they're armed with not just a jumpshot or a dribble. I want you armed for life. I want you to develop as a player. I want you to develop as a student, and I want you to develop as a human being. My life isn't about playing games. That's why my card is American Express."


The ad was controversial bc it was aired during the "dead period" of basketball recruiting where coaches are not allowed to talk to recruits. Many felt the ad gave duke and coach k and unfair advantage by basically advertising their program to recruits. Oh...and the add is bullshit... "armed for life" my ass.

Anonymous said...


In general Bucky, it sucks that you have chosen to alienate yourself by making divisive statements in a place where you will need support and good will over the next two very intense years. The lucky thing for you is that there is still time to sing a different tune. Decide to change your outlook and people will perceive you differently. I personally love this school and what it stands for. It sounds like you have decided to make it a home too. That's good, because I speak very confidently and loudly for many when I say... "If you don't want to be here, get out." This is an environment where teamwork is essential. If you plan on bringing a negative outlook it will only detract from your MBA experience over the coming 24 months.

So that's my good deed for the day. I hope that you continue to embrace your new surroundings. Open your eyes and discover all the great things this town and school have to offer you. If you need help in any of your endeavors please do not hesitate to contact me. You know who I am and you know how to find me.

Kind Regards, Tom

Anonymous said...

Dear Buckyhoo,

I'm glad to hear that you sound like you're getting more accustomed to being at Kenan-Flagler. I'm going to get straight to the point with this message. Consider this a public service announcement. When I first heard about this little column of yours and its content I was a bit incredulous. Now that I've seen it, I feel it important to respond. I do not believe that you are a bad person... I just think you have decided to make a few very bad decisions lately.

If you want to have a private journal, I have a pad of paper and a few pens you can borrow. It appears somewhere in your prose that you find it hard to believe that your colleagues at UNC have found this blog and are reading it. (Reality check) You are posting this stuff in public domain on the internet. (Please re-read that last sentence a few times if you still don't get it.) In line with this revelation... I'm going to speculate that 98 and 3/4 percent of your class has seen this journal. I'll leave it up to you to gauge their reactions to many of your disparaging comments about the school for which they are paying a lot of money to attend. Consider yourself lucky Bucky; there are a great number of qualified people who did not get in this year.

If you think that your school administrators have not caught word of this, then you are incredibly naive. If you think they like what they are reading, then you are incredibly stupid. What do you think getting a graduate business degree entails? For one thing, it puts you in great proximity to the people who are and who are going to be the business leaders in the coming years. Some of whom you will want to be on good terms. Didn't you go to that seminar on "Networking"?

Anonymous said...


Everyone knows who you are.