Monday, June 6, 2005

AOL Journals sucks

I totally cannot believe I spent all this time setting up my blog only to find out that AOL only allows those with a ScreenName (either a paid-subscriber ScreenName or a free AIM ScreenName) to leave a comment. This is the reason AOL has the problems it has, AOL's software, systems and services sometimes do not work the way an intuitive user would expect them to work.

Not sure if I will keep blogging on this site or ditch it altogether for something on a "real blog site" such as blogspot. Come to think of it, limiting your ability to comment may actually be a good thing - if you're not brave enough to leave your name (or at least a ScreenName) with your comments, it's probably something not worth reading anyway.

Another thing that sucks is that the link for this blog is case sensitive. The URL ends in the letters "UNC" and all three letters have to be capitalized. Other wise, you will get a "page cannot be found."

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