Tuesday, June 28, 2005

One thing I won't miss about this area

I have lived in this area for seven years now and this is the one thing I like the least about it, it is the way working professionals identify themselves (and others) by their jobs. Sometimes when I go to meetings, parties, etc. I play a little game where I would introduce myself to someone or a group of people and try to count how many conversations we have before someone asks me the inevitable "so what do you do for a living?" I find this attitude to be quite arrogant. I know a couple of people my age who have nice jobs for big name companies and they never give up the opportunity to brag about their jobs. They gloat about it just so that others would know how successful they (or/and their employers) are. I don't know if this phenomenon is unique to this area, unique to big cities, or nationwide (although I doubt it).

When I was on the plane to Miami on June 17, I read an article in the local major newspaper. It talked about how rising real estate prices have driven a divide in the office between co-workers who own their own homes and those who rent. It quoted a local clinical psychologist who said that "in hard-charging cities such as (city where I live), known for its high-achieving careerists, people traditionally have been very much defined by their jobs." 

It goes to show that some people are just pathetic and need to get a life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So when I say I work for AOL...is that me bragging about my job? hmm, or am I always embarassed when I say that......