Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Keeping my home email account

I am waking up, getting dressed, and getting ready to go to work for one last time today. In the past two weeks, some people have suggested that I cancel my home AOL account when I leave for grad school. They point out that I should not pay an additional $15 per month for a service that adds very little value to what I already have.  

I look at the situation differently. I think back to four years ago when I was about to reach my three year anniversary at my first job out of college (the telecom company). I hated my job. Some of my current co-workers complain about their jobs but they don't realize the worst day here is better than the best day at the telecom firm (this may be a mild exaggeration). True this company does not have the best reputation among the business community and the service is anything not stellar. But I couldn't help feeling a sense of loyalty to a company that has fed me for the past four years and made my current life possible.  

Although I am disappointed at the direction that this company has taken in the past couple of years, I am still a believer in what it can do.

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