Thursday, June 9, 2005

Programming note

In the past five days I have really enjoyed writing this blog, updating it regularly, and receiving the feedback I have been getting. For the next few weeks I plan on putting myself on a schedule of doing three updates per weekday, one in the morning before I leave work (speaking of work, is it June 15 yet?) for when you folks get into the office, one in the afternoon, and one in the late evening. I have not decided what I will do on the weekend but current the plan is to do one post on Saturday and take Sunday off. I am thinking of making all the Saturday posts center around one common theme.  

Obviously, the schedule will change depending on my access to the Internets and as events warrant. My biggest concern so far has been to limit certain audience groups from reading my blog. I do not want my future classmates to read it because I imgaine I will eventually want to write/gripe about them, about my classes, and the projects we work on. I also don't want anyone related to me to read it. I am not sure how I feel about random strangers reading about my life, so I will be sure I don't leave any information that will allow people to figure out my identity. And I trust that those of you who know me personally will be equally discrete if you decide to post on this blog.

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