Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Financial cost of being on Darden's wait list

As I had earlier expected, there is a financial cost for not being able to plan my MBA transition ahead of time. I signed up for Kenan-Flagler's pre-MBA workshop on Thursday. Found out over the weekend that because I had missed the June 1 registration deadline (which was advertised prominently on the registration website but not on the brochure they gave me during Accepted Student Weekend in April), I have to pay for my own textbook rather than receive one for "free" as part of the tuition of the course.

What's ironic is that this is the same textbook (which I still have) I used when I took Corporate Finance in college, except we are now 3 editions later. I managed to find a couple of sellers on Amazon who will sell me the latest edition for around $100.

This totally blows.

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