Thursday, June 16, 2005

I'm leaving on a jet plane ... I don't know when I'll be back again

Actually, I am flying out to Miami tomorrow and be back on Monday. When I used to fly, I would consider parking my car at the company garage for free and then call a cab and to the airport. Depending on the length of your trip,it was much cheaper than long term parking. I guess that option won't be available tomorrow.

I plan on spending Friday at South Beach (SoBe) checking out the sights (no RealMcCoy At Work, I will not be checking out the topless beaches), then Saturday morning I drive to Key West for my buddy's wedding, all Sunday will be spent at Key West, and Monday morning I wake up real early to drive back to Miami International Airport for my flight back.

That WAS the plan, until this evening. I went out to play ultimate frisbee with some people from my fellowship group and even though I played for only 1.5 hours, my legs and feet are hurting pretty bad. I am walking with a limb as well, I guess I will be limbing my way through the airport terminals tomorrow and will be at SoBe as well.

I got a pretty good deal on the rental. The company I work for ... oops did it again, used to work for has some arrangement with Hertz where employees can become a #1 Club Gold member without having to pay the $50 annual fee. I signed up for a Ford Taurus (or equivalent) that costs $27/day (when you rent Friday and return Monday, it counts as three weekend days). Then I saw an offer for #1 Club Gold members where you get a day for free. I even splurged for the SIRIUS Satellite Radio. It will give me something to listen to during the 3 hours drive to and from Key West. The good thing about the radio is that, unlike the Hertz NeverLost navigation system, you are charged a flat fee ($9) instead of a daily fee.

Obviously, since I will be on vacation, I will not be able to update this page as frequently as I normally do. But I will post more when I get back.

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