Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Real estate (alleged) bubble about to burst?

I got home and saw this Time Magazine cover sitting in my mailbox. When I see covers like these, I can't help but wonder if real estate prices will plunge before August when I sell my apartment. Then later I went to the gym and saw someone working out. Noticing that he was wearing orange UVA shorts and a UVA basketball shirt, I felt obligated to talk to him. Turns out he's a UVA 2002 grad who works as a real estate agent (I later found out he double majored in psychology and Spanish, which are two disciplines that are not necessarily useless when you work as a realtor). He said prices in my neighborhood over the past 2 years have skyrocketed beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

If that's true, I only hope prices hold out until late August when I close. I am going to need the money for the next two years - and even longer if I decide to do a JD/MBA.

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