Thursday, June 23, 2005

More complaints about AOL Journals

I have written before about my problems with AOL Journals. Lately I have found more issues with it.

First, sometimes it does not save your stuff. I spend 20 minutes typing my post, hit "save" and get a nice blue page telling me there are problems with the system and I am forced to hit a button saying "return to journal" and concede defeat. I tried to get around this by writing my post on Notepad, WordPad, or Microsoft Word, and then copying and pasting it onto the journal. However, this leads to the second problem. As many of you astute readers may have noticed, the fonts are not uniform. This is caused by me copying and pasting from a word processing application into the HTML free space. Third, sometimes when I go to my blog, it shows up in Chinese. I cannot quite explain the third problem, but I will tell you I was so blown away when I saw this that I asked someone else to confirm and he did.

So please forgive the shortcomings, after all, this is AOL. ;)

July 12, 2005 update: It looks like the blog appearing in Chinese was caused by an outage of some kind. Read more about it here.

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