Sunday, June 5, 2005

"Congratulations! You've been admitted ...."

Wow. Hard to believe it was more than two months ago that I received my acceptance letter from UNC's Kenan-Flagler Business School and was invited to be a member of its MBA Class of 2007. In the weeks since, I have attended two local happy hours with fellow accepted students, attended KFBS' Accepted Student Weekend, and just this past Wednesday I gave notice to my boss that I am leaving.

So far, this entire experience has been unreal. When I met with my boss last week and told her I was leaving, I gave her my well rehearsed schpeel about how I arrived at this decision, etc. Still as I was going through the motions of handing in my resignation, I could not believe I was about to quit a job I have had for close to four years.

One reason why this ordeal has been stressful has to do with the fact that while I have submitted my deposit to UNC and am in the process of securing housing at Chapel Hill, I am still on the wait list at two other schools. One school (which I will not identify at this point) I marginally prefer over UNC while the other I tremendously prefer over UNC. The school that I would much rather attend over UNC is UVA's Darden Business School. Darden wait listed me back in January and will continue to move students from the wait list into the "accepted" pile until mid August when classes begin. Judging from where I am on the wait list and from the number of applicants on the list, the odds of me getting an acceptance at this point are not terrific, but at the same time, they are not so low as to be considered insurmountable. I really like Darden's case methodology, I went to UVA undergrad and want to return to my alma mater and become a 'Double Hoo.' I will definitely attend Darden over Kenan-Flagler even if it means having to move from Chapel Hill to Charlottesville at the last minute.

At the same time, I realize I need to get myself mentally adjusted to the idea of going to UNC, hence the title of this blog. Let me wrap up my inaugural post by discussing my thoughts on starting the blog. This blog's primary purpose is to serve as a tool for me to gather, articulate, and record my thoughts as I make the transition in the upcoming months. This blog will also allow others to get updates on how I am doing during the transition process. At the same time, because I am concerned about possibly sharing too much information with others (one co-worker described me as 'secretive') and don't want personal aspects of my life to become other people's "gossiptainment," when appropriate, I will err on the side of keeping some information to myself.

I hope you all enjoy this blog, feel free to give me any feed back!

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