Friday, July 22, 2005

Attention all Kenan-Flagler readers

I was made aware of something recently and I have agonized over the most strategic way to deal with it. It has come to my attention that a couple of my classmates at Kenan-Flagler have been reading this blog and have been spreading the word to others. I have no idea how they learned about this blog's existence but would love to find out.

Within the past two weeks, I have been honest with reporting my experience, hopes, and even disappointments over this web page. And I would like to continue to do so. However, I cannot continue to do this if everything I write ends up as public information known to a significant portion of the Kenan-Flagler community.

I won't repeat here my reasons for wishing to remain anonymous, although many of them should be obvious. If you are a Kenan-Flagler student, you're welcome to continue to read my web page. I only ask that you kindly respect my privacy by cooperating with me to do the following:

- stop telling other students about this blog.

- if you do not know who I am, do not try to find out who I am.

- if you do know who I am, do not tell other readers who I am.

- (optional) send me an email at buckyhoo at AOL dot com and tell me how you found out about this blog.

If you agree to help keep me relatively anonymous, I will uphold my end of the bargain by continuing this blog. Otherwise I will have no choice but to cease and you will have to go back to entertaining yourselves by watching ping pong tournaments in the downstairs break room. (I hear that Jee-Tao is looking for a re-match .... wink)

Thanks guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From wikipedia about "blog": People write their day-to-day experiences, complaints, poems, prose, illicit thoughts and more, often allowing others to contribute, fulfilling to a certain extent Tim Berners-Lee's original view of the World Wide Web as a collaborative medium.

stop hiding
confront the jealousy
ease the anxiety
and try to enjoy life