Friday, July 15, 2005

Overheard at Kenan-Flagler

First in a series

In class today, our beloved professor was talking about bonds and mentioned that General Motors suffered a major setback earlier this year when the agencies downgraded GM bonds. He said a lot of hedge funds lost money betting in the wrong direction and added, "I love it when hedge funds loose money, these guys think they're so smart." 

Yesterday afternoon we had a presentation by the Kenan-Flagler computer group on how to access our intranet, and its public and shared folders. The speaker mentioned that we should all sign up for our (first)_(last) email address. It's basically an email alias that will automatically forward email to any address we want. She gave the example that when we should use this email on our resumes so that after we graduate, perspective employers can continue to email us about job offers when we no longer have our regular UNC email accounts. At this point, one smart alecky UVA graduate (I swear it was not me) raised his hand and asked "wait a minute, I thought we are all supposed to have jobs when we graduate." 

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