Friday, July 1, 2005

Reality bite$

Sorry for having missed the morning update but I have been busy running around, making calls to friends in high places to try to get an interview for a particular job opening

It's been 15 days since my last day at work. I have really been enjoying my new found freedom. I spent my days doing whatever I wanted and didn't spend much time/energy worrying about money. And then reality hit me this past week. First I had to pay for my pre-MBA workshop and because I missed the deadline, I had to pay for my own textbook. Then I put in an order on Wednesday for my laptop. I had been putting it off because it's best to purchase your laptop from your school so you can utilize the on-campus support, but now that it's beginning to look like I am going to Kenan-Flagler for certain I thought I might as well put in the order just to have it with me during the pre-MBA workshop. Then yesterday I received the bill for first semester's tuition.

While none of these expenses are unforeseen, it's always different when you get the bill. Now I am beginning to do calculations on the spreadsheet on how much I expect to pocket from selling my apartment and how much spending money I can expect to have for the next two years. This has made me more conscious about my spending. I was going to hire movers but now I am leaning more toward renting a truck and getting friends to load it while I drive it down to Chapel Hill and finding some classmates to do the unloading.

My company-sponsored health insurance also ended yesterday on the last day of the month. I made sure I went to the pharmacy yesterday to fill up on all prescriptions. I will be on COBRA during July but I have yet to receive my enrollment package. I called the enrollment folks and was told they have not received the material from my former employer yet.

Have a good Fourth of July everyone!

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