Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Strange coincidence

When I was a first year in college, there was this girl in one of my classes that I thought was really pretty. I don't think I ever said one word to her during my entire college career but she was one of these girls I always noticed everytime I saw her. After graduation, I saw her a total of three times. The first time was one afternoon in 2000 when I saw her jogging as I was driving home from work. Second time was at the 2003 reunion when I actually talked to her. She went with whom I assumed was her boyfriend and said she was in medical school. The third time was toward late 2003 when I was at a bar, ironically with two other UVA grads from my year, and she was at the next table.

Before any of you (ie McCoy bored at work) decides to call the police and report me for stalking, I should point out that it's not unusual for me to run into UVA grads at the place where I used to live, half of every graduating class ends up there. So imagine my shock earlier this afternoon when I left McColl after the student panel to get some food on Franklin Street (event was catered but all the food was gone when I got there) and I was driving by the hospital area on Manning Drive when I saw her walking on the sidewalk wearing a lab coat.

This is a good example something I have noticed about myself, that I have a habit of running into the same people over and over again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I no doubt believe that using the power of Google you know her full name, address, where she hangs out, what clubs/student orgs shes in, what her political affiliation is, what church she attends and that it is all available in your PDA.

But i mean, isn't that the point of Google Stalk?

So...was she wearing a ring?????