Saturday, July 9, 2005

News regarding this blog

This past Tuesday was the one month anniversary of this blog. But unfortunately I was so busy I did not get a chance to notice until today.

For the past month I have kept this blog on a schedule of one posting in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening per weekday, one morning posting on Saturdays, and nothing on Sundays. This schedule will change since I will begin my pre-MBA workshop on Monday at Kenan-Flalger. I imagine I will have less time to blog but at the same time, I will have more things to blog about.

I will begin to blog on an "as needed" schedule based on whenever I find time or have something to say. I will probably continue to make Sunday a day of rest by not blogging.

In a bit of good news, our blog has made its presence on Google. Typing in the name of this blog (spelling it exactly the way I spell it) and hitting "I'm feeling lucky" will result in you being directed right to this page. Thanks to everyone who helped in making this possible.

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