Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Stop asking me about Darden!

I mentioned earlier that I have been careful to not mention to my Kenan-Flagler classmates that I am on Darden's wait list. Yet I am amazed at how many times the topic comes up.

Yesterday after the Office of Career Services presentation I was talking to Lucy out in the courtyard. She introduced me to another classmate who had just arrived from Charlottesville. We talked about Charlottesville and when he found out I am a UVA grad, he asked if I applied to Darden. I then gave my famous my-mouth-is-smiling-but-my-eyes-dart-to-the-corner-to-show-that-I-am-annoyed look and Lucy (who knows about my situation with Darden) then came in with the save by saying "that's a sore subject."

The same conversation repeated itself twice today. I was in the break room this morning offering to help another student in the economics workshop when I mentioned I majored in economics at UVA. She asked me "why didn't you apply to Darden?" Then this afternoon at Paneras, I mention that I lived in Virginia and the girl I was with asked whether I applied to Darden.

I really need to come up with a way to smoothly deflect these inquiries. I know my classmates mean no harm when they ask me whether I considered Darden but at the same time, I need to give a truthful answer without letting out the fact that Kenan-Flagler is not my first choice. In the meantime, I am going to work on that my-mouth-is-smiling-but-my-eyes-dart-to-the-corner-to-show-that-I-am-annoyed look so that it does not look so obvious that I am annoyed.

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