Friday, July 22, 2005

Barbeque with the accounting professor

The professor who teaches the accounting workshop held a barbeque at his house this evening and was nice enough to invite those like myself who are not yet his students. I say "not yet" because this same professor will teach us in the fall.

The house we were invited to sits on a twenty acre lot. It has got a swimming pool, volleyball court, and is adjacent to a nearby lake (saw a couple row boats docked nearby). This reminds me of another picnic held every year by a UVA professor, a former Wall Street big shot, who did very well financially before retiring to Charlottesville with his loot. That's what I should do, get a job on Wall Street for a couple of years, make a ton of money, move to a small Southern town where the cost of living is low, the women are Christian and abundant, and lie on my hammock all day while listening to Sean Hannity.

At the picnic I talked to one student who told me there are direct flights between Raleigh/Durham International Airport and the airport closest to where my parents live. She suggested that I subscribe to the weekly bargain emails from American Airlines and Continental.

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