Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Please be careful when writing on this blog

In case it is not blindingly clear, the previous post illustrates why I do not want any of my classmates to ever read, or to know about the existence of, this blog.  While I will never write anything unkind about them, knowing that the people I write about will never read this blog gives me the freedom to be frank with sharing my experiences with my readers.

With the exception of the readers who know who I am in real life, I wish to remain anonymous to my readers.  I welcome the replies I have gotten from my readers, yet I wish some of you would exercise a bit of discretion when posting.

I have received a couple of replies where the replier addresses me by my first name. Please do not do this. If a person were to randomly come across this blog, and this person knows my first name, it would not be difficult for this person to find out my identity - especailly if this person is a student at Kenan-Flagler. You may, however, refer to me as Buckyhoo.

Thanks for being considerate. As this blog gets more exposure, your cooperation becomes more vital to keeping this blog alive and interesting.

And in case you're wondering, Lucy is not her real name. I will refrain from identifying anyone using a real name just in case I am ever outted.

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