Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Where everybody knows your name

Got tired of looking at finance problem sets that don't make sense to me. So I went to Bub's where a classmate was having a birthday celebration. When the party continued later at He's Not Here, I decided to go across the street to yesterday's watering hole.

The assistant professor was not there tonight (he got back together with his wife perhaps?). But a lot of the folks from yesterday were, the UNC 2005 grad started telling me about how she and her friends won at tonight's weekly trivia night competition. I mentioned that the bar was beginning to feel homey with so many familiar faces from last night, and repeated my analogy about the bar from "Cheers." She said "oh this is my Cheers." 

Later, a bunch of us went to He's Not Here. Along the way Mark, a British chap that came with us, invited a homeless man (one of many that "live" along Franklin Street) to come with us. I caught up with a bunch of Kenan-Flagler folks at He's Not Here. One of my classmates, Willy, was all excited because he got an undergrad's phone number. Said it was a personal "milestone" of sorts. He asked if I am still waiting on Darden. (I guess I can rule him out as one of the students that's been reading my blog, because if he is, he would have read my entry about not wanting to be asked about Darden.) He said "I chose this school over Darden because I think it's a better program."

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