Wednesday, July 13, 2005

One week anniversary

A week ago today I drove down to Chapel Hill to attend the Kenan-Flagler Welcome Session. So far I have been gradually to life in the MBA program. I remember right after the Welcome Session last week, we had a happy hour at Pantana Bob's and I spent most of the time there feeling kind of bad. It was almost like the beginning two weeks of undergrad, you are surrounded by a group of people and yet you feel lonely like "I really should know more people but I don't know anyone." But as the week went by I began to gradually know more and more people. I think the almost daily happy hours and social events definitely help make you meet more people.

One of the people that I met that am pretty "good friends" (I use that term in quotes because we are pretty "good friends" considering that we have only been here for a week) is someone I met at Pantana Bob's last week. Her name is Marty (again, not real name) and she said that others in our group feel the same way. The professor in one of her workshops joked around in class saying "you're all probably wondering what did I get myself into and is there any way I can get my old job back." That phrase pretty much sums up how I feel. She also said a couple of people have noticed that the class seems to be self segregating between those in their mid twenties and those a bit older. She heard that the average age of our class has gone down from what it has been in the past at Kenan-Flagler.

There are certainly other students that are adjusting very well right away with no problems. Yesterday Lucy mentioned was telling me that this past week has been similar to her first weeks in college, when she would drive around town in her car just to explore the town saying "hey this is an awesome place!" 

I do think Chapel Hill is a pretty nice town and that while it may take a while for me to get completely adjusted, the destination is within reach.

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