Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What we choose to (and not to) tell other people

We had a very interesting happy hour tonight at WB Yeats on Franklin Street. I struck up a conversation with three fellow students and found out that one of them is JohnGalt123. JohnGalt123 is the alias of a poster on BW B-Schools and I have read many of his posts about UNC Kenan-Flagler. He explained that he's a libertarian and John Galt is the name of a character from Ayn Rand's Atlas Strugged. We then got into a discussion about how I feel regarding seat belts laws, socialized medicine, and other types of government intrustion into our lives.

Later on the conversation turned toward careers and another student in our group talked about her experiences working for her previous employer. She did a pretty good job (no pun intended, get it, "job?") at describing her previous position. Yet she had neglected to mention the most interesting aspect of her job. It just happens that yesterday I did a Google search on this particular person and found out the company she worked at was owned by her family for generations. I don't think there is anthing wrong with what she did but this just goes to show that when people talk about their jobs (or other aspect of their lives), they tend to tell you what they want to tell you.

Right before I left I talked to Lucy. Lucy used to work for a firm that produces campaign commercials for Republican candidates (no McCoy, I did not do a Google search on her too, she told me this information). I mentioned that even though North Carolina is a red state, I feel surrounded by liberals in the Chapel Hill/ UNC community. She said she feels similarly and has refrained from telling classmates what type of commercials she was producing, other than "I work in advertising."  Her exact words to me were "I am laying low, and you better not pull me out of the water."


Anonymous said...

Whatever you say Joe.  Also, I'd like to be referred to as "Fake McCoy atWork", that way people will never know my true identity.

(you know you Google stalked that chick)

(woo hoo UNC community liberals!)

Anonymous said...

I think a much more appropriate ScreenName would be "Real McCoy who wants the world to think he is at work when he is really checking his blog, reading others, and playing fantasy football."

And FYI, I Google stalk my male classmates as well.

Anonymous said...

I am really the last person in the world to judge. Especially since I have spent the last ten months in the office looking at Darden web site, checking the BW B-Schools forum, polishing my application essays, and pretending to be doing something other than applying to grad schools.