Thursday, July 28, 2005

A blogger's worst enemy

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal had a story about this. There is a web site called the Wayback Machine that archives content from over 40 billion web pages. The usefulness of this web site stems from its archiving of content that has since been changed or removed by the web pages' owners. Its archives are more extensive and in depth than Google's, where Google will only save the most recently updated "snapshot" on a web page, Wayback Machine will archive each iteration that has been found on the Internets.

"At some firms, litigators now ask researchers, "can you do a Wayback on that?" The archives are most attractive to specialists in intellectual-property law - in particular, areas such as domain-name battles - and have been used by companies as diverse as EchoStar Communications Corp. and Playboy Enterprises Inc. In February, recovered pages prompted a mistrial in a prominent murder case in Canada."

No doubt when I run for President in 2028, my political enemies will use the Wayback Machine to gather and examine the content I have written on this blog and use it to blackmail me somehow.

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