Wednesday, July 20, 2005

First showdown over finance

The finance class I am taking is coming along well. We are using the same textbook I used when I took corporate finance at UVA. So far, we've only been doing time value of money, nothing too complicated. Judging from the contributions I have been giving to my study group and the questions that other students as the T.A. during the help session, I think I am pretty much on top of things.

That was until I took the quiz today. Quiz had eight questions, the first four were pretty easy. But when I turned the page and realized that I had fifteen more minutes to do the next four, I sort of panicked. This reminded me of what I learned when preparing for the GMAT, that it's important to knock the easy questions out of the way, don't bother to double check them, and then concentrate most of your time on the hard ones. I don't think the quiz was hard, even though the professor said it was. I just think the time constraint made it harder than it otherwise would have been.

When we get the quiz back, I will post the report the results here, regardless of how embarassing they may be.

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