Monday, July 11, 2005

Feeling all connected

As I mentioned earlier, I am subletting a house from a second year Kenan-Flagler student for the month of July, a townhouse with approximately 1500 square feet for $550 including all utilities. Technically I am only subletting one of the three bedrooms but because there is no one here, I have the entire house all to myself.

I moved in on Wednesday and it wasn't until last night that I was able to setup my Dell desktop and get it connected to the DSL connection. This experience made me realize how reliant I am to being "always-on." I am not saying it was inconvenient before to have to take out my laptop to dial into America Online. I am just so addicted to being able to walk up to my desktop's flat panel display and quickly get up to speed on the latest information like gossip on Dawna Clarke's departure from Darden, or what RealMcCoyatWork did in the past nine days that he was not at work.

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